3B Scientific Tradeshows
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The TCM Kongress in Rothenburg, Germany, is an esteemed annual event that unites professionals and enthusiasts of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It features workshops, lectures, and networking opportunities to explore the latest in TCM practices, research, and innovations.



Dhaka, Bangladesh

The MEDITEX trade show in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a leading international exhibition for medical equipment, hospital supplies, and healthcare services. It showcases the latest technologies and innovations, facilitating networking among professionals and enhancing the healthcare industry in South Asia.

Come and visit us in hall 3 at booth C-15.



Fulda, Germany

Besuchen Sie uns in Halle H an Stand 1419.


KIHE 2024

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Come and visit us at stand 10-13



Austin, TX USA

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Come visit us!



Expo São Paulo, Brasil

vem nos visitar no estande C-118



Oklahoma City, OK USA

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Africa Health Ex Con

Kairo, Ägypten

<span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13); font-family: Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "noto="" sans",="" sans-serif,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" "apple="" color="" emoji",="" "segoe="" ui="" symbol",="" emoji";="" font-size:="" 16px;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;"="">The Africa Health ExCon in Cairo, Egypt, is a pivotal event scheduled for June 4-7, 2024, at the Egypt International Exhibition Center (EIEC). It aims to position Africa as a hub for health innovation and trade, connecting healthcare professionals and showcasing the latest in medical technology and services​.

Come and visit us in hall 2 at booth D-63



Sevilla, Spain



Aurora, CO USA

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Prague, Czech Republic

Come and visit us at stand PL3



Aurora, CO USA

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Pittsburgh, PA USA

Come visit us!



Las Vegas, NV USA

Come visit us!



Las Vegas, NV USA

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COBEM 2024

Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil

vem nos visitar no estande B-1


GRC Congress

Cologne, Germany

The 2-day congress is dedicated to important topics in resuscitation care and invites interdisciplinary dialogue between all stakeholders, organisations and individuals involved in the various aspects of resuscitation.



Dresden, Germany

The FLORIAN trade show, set for October 10-12, 2024, in Dresden, Germany, is an essential event for professionals in firefighting, disaster prevention, and fire protection. Established in 1997, it annually showcases the latest advancements and technologies in these fields, providing valuable learning opportunities for attendees through its informative program.

Come and visit us at stand G3.



Copenhagen, Denmark

EUSEM, the European Society for Emergency Medicine, is a leading organization dedicated to promoting and advancing emergency medicine across Europe. It focuses on education, research, and development of clinical practices to improve patient care. EUSEM plays a pivotal role in shaping standards and policies for emergency healthcare services.



Jekyll Island, GA USA

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Come visit us!



Vienna, AUT

The EAPS Congress in Vienna is a premier event for pediatric and neonatal specialists, offering a platform to discuss the latest advancements and research in child health. This congress attracts experts worldwide, facilitating knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration to improve pediatric and neonatal care practices and outcomes.



Bilbao, Spain

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Come visit us!

Come visit us!


i/itsec 2024

Orlando, FL

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Arab Health in Dubai stands as the Middle East's largest healthcare exhibition and conference, bringing together industry leaders to showcase the latest advancements in medical equipment, technology, and services. It offers unparalleled opportunities for professionals to network, learn, and discover innovative solutions aimed at enhancing patient care and healthcare delivery.